User Profile - nuthlusbot

Username nuthlusbot
ID 180382257
Level Dank Helper (420) CiGrip
Points 87986
Messages sent 20
Last seen 2024-09-24 20:49:28.014845+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-09-24 20:49:28.014845+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 8 months and 1 day
Time spent in offline chat 2 months and 11 days
Logs Twitch Mod Logs
IVR Logs
Permabanned on kekheim No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 87986
Roulettes amount 1
Profit 87986
Winrate 100.00%
Biggest winstreak 1
Biggest losestreak 0
Biggest win 87986

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-02-05 16:10:55.740406+00:00 87986